Month: September 2010

  • An Email Snob Interview from Scott Cohen

    This is part of the Email Snob interviews done at the blog, Scott Writes Everything by Scott Cohen.  Scott has been doing interviews with email marketing thought-leaders and we were honored that Scott asked Chris Donald to join him.  You can read the complete interview here. Thanks again to Scott and we continue to enjoy the

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 12, 2010 in story time

  • Email Subscriber Tagging Geo-location and Endorphin Boost with Nano-Technology

    While reviewing analytics for a Fortune 100 company, they posed the question how can we better track and increase purchases through email marketing.  So the brain-trust at Inbox Group went to work in partnership with the Nano-Technology Dept. at M.I.T.  After years of development and testing on mice, bunnies and college students, we are finally

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 10, 2010 in story time

  • Email Marketing Case Study: Doctor Doctor Give Me The News

    Over the past ten years, I have worked with a myriad of health care providers as well as individual family doctors helping them with their email marketing. Like most email marketing we always suggest strongly to segment and offer content based on the individual recipients wants and needs. When these rules are followed along with

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 2, 2010 in story time

Inbox Group