Month: September 2013

  • Holiday Email Marketing Planning: Hanukkah Comes Early This Year

    Did you know, as our friends at MarketWatch have reminded us, that there will be two holiday shopping seasons this year? Bust out your calendars and your pens (err, thumbs or styli or what have you) for this: Hanukkah begins the night before Thanksgiving this year. So, how does that affect your email marketing plans

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 20, 2013 in story time

  • Coding Pixel Perfect Emails [Part 4 – Responsive Emails]

    By now I don’t need to tell you about the pervasiveness of smart phones, or how differently users interact with them verses desktop computers. So I won’t. Most mobile email clients will scale a static email to fit the viewer (everything’s tiny) or crop the email (scroll-ville). To get optimal results we need to have

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 18, 2013 in story time

  • Abandon Shopping Cart Email Marketing Whitepaper

    Save Your Shopping Carts with Email The perennial problem: Cart Abandonment. Site visitors who place items in their shopping cart, only to never complete the purchase. The items sit there, tantalizingly close to a sale–but they don’t sell. In fact, it’s not rare for cart abandonment rates to reach 80% or more. Considerable effort goes

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 14, 2013 in story time

  • Managed Services

    Relax…with our managed email services, we’ve got your back. We can manage some or all of your email marketing, from custom templates to testing campaigns, A/B testing deployment analytic review and more.

    Posted by Scott Cohen
    September 12, 2013 in story time

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