Month: January 2020

  • Flat Design in Emails – Using it Right

    Email designing is a lot more than just making it look appealing and fancy. Sure, email designs matter but it should also cater to the overall responsiveness of the email. This is where flat designs come in handy. It is a user interface design style that makes extensive use of two-dimensional elements which are simple

    Posted by Chris Donald
    January 13, 2020 in story time

  • How can email marketing work in politics?

    Email marketing is one of the main marketing channels across the globe. Moreover, with, the number of email users expected to reach a whopping 255 million in 2020, the scope of email marketing is only going to escalate. Well, that’s the reason for email marketing reaching the political domain too. In fact, it wouldn’t be

    Posted by Chris Donald
    January 21, 2020 in story time

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